Discover the Feminine Leadership Launchpad for Your Enlightened Business

...And Finally Birth Your Vision, Lead from Spirit & Coach with Impact!

Dear soul sister… do I ever get you!

Far beyond a coach, teacher or healer, YOU are that rare kind of spirited soul...

… A soulful visionary who has always pushed societal limits in search of experiencing greater possibility, truth, health and happiness!

  • You’ve transformed your own demons into your greatest allies,
  • Have healed diseases of the body, mind and heart,
  • Resisted mediocre living, connected to Higher Wisdom & transformed your life,

... All while being a creative, free spirit - ENTREPRENEURIAL BY NATURE - relishing in anything that unleashes your talents without constraints and makes you feel alive!

And you know 2016 is the YEAR TO BIRTH YOUR SOUL'S VISION !


In a time when leaders, teachers & coaches are rising everywhere...

You've held back.
Because you have always been "that different girl"...
Standing for something deeper, substantial and real.

And you won't put yourself out there until you feel that way! 

Especially during this time of people rising...

You Refuse to Be Another Self-Proclaimed "Expert"!

Your pure heart will only allow you to rise when you feel deeply confident, with the presence and coaching skills of a true spiritual leader that makes a real difference!
(Bless you for that, dear heart!)

It isn't just fear of the unknown...

It is YOUR HUGE HEARTH, INTEGRITY & DEPTHS that have held you back...
... Playing small & staying on the sidelines,
... Waiting to feel ready,
... To know enough,
... To be certain of your capabilities as a coach, leader AND entrepreneur!

And this is a new kind of pain like few others because this is...

Your Soul's calling...
The contribution you feel you're here to bring...
And mostly, because you know our world needs you NOW.

But you can't have that any more, can you beautiful?

You know your time has come and you're ready for the soulful leadership, coaching and strategic support that will meet you at your depths & guide you to unearth your brilliance in a powerful, authentic way...

And it's for you, that rare conscious, visionary woman who can’t be held by just anyone, that I created this one-of-a-kind holistic vessel to unearth your brilliance & ignite your mission in the Soul-led, feminine way you long for.

If you’re ready to make the joyful, spirit-led impact through your business that you were born for, then you’ve arrived in the right place!

If you have been...

  • Frustrated by cookie cutter coaches and business models that don’t get your depth and don’t allow space for the wisdom of your heart.
  • Struggling because you don’t have an effective plan to get to the next level of your business online & worldwide.
  • Unclear about what programs to offer and how to make them irresistible for soulmate clients.
  • Confused as to how to market yourself in a way that feels aligned with your soul and your clients.
  • Dreading sales conversations because you don’t want to feel salesy and money-oriented.
  • Struggling with remaining centered, inspired and resilient on the entrepreneurial path.
  • Unsure if you have the leadership and transformational coaching skills to call yourself a leader and guide…

Then my Birth Your Big Vision Feminine Leadership Launchpad could be your perfect next step…

This is my exclusive mentorship that provides the most comprehensive level of training & holistic activation for healers to step into your leadership destiny & turn your wisdom into a successful heart-centered business that heals our world.

Here’s a peek at what you’ll get from your launchpad membership:

  • Learn my complete Soul-Centered Business Model for launching magnetic, life-changing group programs that attract your ideal clients
  • Discover & embody the true role of a spiritual leader, coach and guide that takes pressure off you and creates not followers, but other leaders at your side.
  • Master the art of connection, communication and relationship building that powerful leaders use to inspire, gather and transform
  • Learn to lead from higher, intuitive wisdom and go from being a dreamer to an actualized, successful visionary
  • Embody your role as a leader and effectively lead others into wisdom and transformation
  • Learn the soul shifts that help you actually LOVE selling and marketing and creates heartfelt bonds with your clientele so they join your programs and succeed
  • Undo the habit of survival and scarcity, develop a rich connection to universal abundance and finally prosper in your heart’s work
  • Discover how to move through creativity blocks and expression fears to create without limit and spread your heart’s message far and wide
  • Develop a joyful, comfortable relationship with the unknown as you stretch into greater leadership roles
  • Learn to stay centered, inspired and committed as you navigate the ups and downs of a growing business
  • Develop a deep inner Self-mastery over triggers, fears and habits so that you enjoy your journey long-term and be a leader who models devotion, compassion and integrity

…And much, much more…

All within a sacred vessel of sisterhood and support that allows you to be constantly tapped into a rich source of inspiration, higher wisdom activation and love.

Alyssa Nobriga

Shirly is deeply insightful, attuned and lazor sharp in knowing where you’re holding yourself back and how to meet you in the exact way to move you to the next level. She is a beautiful combination of being highly skilled, intuitive, practical and deeply compassionate. I recommend any woman on a conscious path who is ready to shine and thrive see Shirly. You are in for a real treat!

Alyssa Nobriga
Soul Centered Business Coach, Faculty @ USM, Author, Speaker.
Veronica Krestow

Every powerful leader has stellar support backing them. Shirly Joy is someone I personally entrust with my deepest truths and the sacredness of my life’s work, ensuring I am not just on top of my game in work, but standing tall and truthfully in my life. Whenever I’ve hit a wall in business or personal matters due to doubt, uncertainty, or depletion, and have called upon this powerful priestess, I have arisen in great mastery, stronger leadership and a return to an inner calm within my own heart. It’s rare to find such cutting edge consciousness, business brilliance and unconditional compassion all within one human being. If you get a chance to work with this masterful coach and goddess, you will not only be a better leader, but a healthier soul and brighter woman as a result. I cannot recommend her guidance highly enough.

Veronica Krestow
Creator/Author of The Diamond Process™ & Transformational Coach
Betty Larrea

Before working with Shirly, I was constantly seeking validation outside myself, felt overwhelmed because of all the expectations I placed on myself and could not enjoy my successes. Thanks to our work, today I have a sense of self worth and self love that I have not experienced in my life until now. I feel whole and complete. Most of all, I have a deeply grounded relationship with Myself and Spirit, from where I know I can create anything!

I have never had such tangible practices to shift my thoughts or feelings in the moment. Shirly taught me how to balance out the negative self talk and out-of-control feelings and instead tune into the CONNECTION that is always there, aligning myself with my natural love vibration. This has allowed my energy to flow more naturally and attract more of the opportunities I desire in both my life and business.

Shirly also holds such a powerful space for you to truly see yourself and allow yourself to be seen which helped me break through into greater visibility. She helped me learn how to speak from my heart so deeply that all the fear and judgement disappears and I can BE myself. 

Experiencing her as a coach has allowed me to witness what it means to trust in divine source and let go of controlling so that our Soul could guide. I am so grateful for her and our work together.

Betty Larrea
Poet, Author, Teacher and Founder/Director of Be Yoga Be Love

For women like you...
Your spirituality, business and leadership role are one path...

And it is for you that I created this ultimate training vessel providing
Spiritual, Transformation & Business Mastery to:

... Activate the Healer & Leader Within ...
... Up-Level your Consciousness ...
... And Expand your Impact Globally!...

Birth Your Big Vision provides the optimal balance of...

Intuition + Strategyfeminine + Masculine,  Heaven + Earth, Inspiration + Practicality,  Heart + Mind.

This ideal setting helps you activate ALL aspects of your being and move with a supreme leverage that brings your inspired visions to life with joy, synchronicity & ease. No other mastermind out there will give you the depth of strategic, spiritual and emotional guidance like this; just the kind of profound and activating support a conscious woman like you desires and deserves!


1) Spiritual Leadership & Self-Mastery:  To Lead with the Highest Vision, Wisdom & Serenity for Greatest Impact, Success & Stay-Power.
2) Soul-Level Transformation Coaching:  To Be a Facilitator of Change at the Deepest Levels that Truly Transform & Activate.
3) Soul-Centered Business Strategy:  To Launch Movements, Courses & Messages with Leverage, Soul & Ease.

By joining BBV, you get exclusive access to my proven strategies for soul-centered business success, my transformational Soul Freedom Coaching course and my leadership mastery trainings that expand your intuition, leadership and creative abilities, all while receiving 6 month of in-depth mentoring with me.

We will work closely together to accelerate your inner growth, transformation & leadership capabilities and business savvy. And you will thrive with the support and encouragement of a high-caliber group of other soul-centered entrepreneurs here to transform our world through their work.

You are here to heal yourself, your family and our world!

And you deserve the loving and powerfully activating vessel of spiritual and strategic guidance to know and live as the empowered, authentic, love-filled change-maker you were born to be!

This is the training, sisterhood & spiritual deep dive your heart longs for in a mission activation vessel.

And it's the only way to step out as a leader and healer with grace, resilience and integrity.

The Birth Your Big Vision Membership Benefits Include...


An awakening back to our true power and love within is taking place planet-wide. And this up-leveling to a new paradigm of living from the inside-out has to be matched by an up-leveling in all fields...  medical, educational, legal ... and certainly coaching.

Soul-Freedom Life Coaching is not just about making dreams happen or increase performance, its about how to effectively:

  • Coach clients back to the innate wisdom, clarity and confidence of their souls (where dreams unfold with greater ease and peace is felt independent of accomplishments)
  • And lead sessions from the ultimate wisdom of yours.

The Soul-Freedom approach is based on unleashing this potential, presence & greatness in the individual so that there are more clear, truly empowered and heart-centered people walking on earth. This modality helps break through even the stickiest patterns around self-doubt, relationships issues, fulfillment, habits, insecurity and more. It give individuals that embodied understanding of their true spiritual nature and the true nature of life so that they finally play full on, enjoy each moment and experience true love; for self, others, life.

You'll learn how to effectively break through habits, identify and rewrite intergenerational patterns, work with thought and emotion, build powerful rapport and connection, and more!

You will also learn how to show up in each coaching conversation leading from your highest Wisdom and intuition and navigating whatever your client brings your way with total fluidity, trust and confidence.

To truly understand Soul-Freedom Coaching, know what coaching isn't. 
Coaching at the surface is about goals and accountability. However well intended however, a sole focus on goals keeps people in a endless trap of seeking out desires and putting out fires in order to be happy. And this is not transformational coaching.

Furthermore, a strong focus on accountability can create a subtle codependent relationship with the client that keeps them in old-paradigm disempowerment rather that empowered to find their own source of motivation, power and love.

It's time to go deeper.
There is a new level of coaching emerging now... a kind of coaching that creates true transformation at the level where it counts. It's aim is to point away from our problems and into discovering the truth of our pure and perfect divine nature.

This is what Soul-Freedom Coaching is about.
And this is your opportunity to finally learn how to create true transformation in your clients that is real and lasting so that you know for certain, your presence has made this world a better place.

My unique coaching approache is known for its ability to cut through straight through societal and familial programs and into the heart of the client to bring them back to their true being - whole, healthy and complete - with astounding speed and heart. It is my blessing to bring this ability to other facilitators worldwide.

Here's a sneak peek to this Life Coaching training: 

  • Master the true role of coach which is not to advise, lead or guide, rather guide the client to the infinite wisdom within & how to be their own greatest teacher, coach & guru.
  • Embody the elevated viewpoint of human experience that allows you to masterfully see through your client's emotions into their Spiritual truth & bring them back to this center of clarity and love within.
  • Understand the unifying psychological paradigm that empowers all individuals back to faith, love and truth independent of their background and religion.
  • Move beyond superficial tools such as positive affirmations & spiritual rituals to assist your clients in knowing their true spiritual value in a felt, embodied way and feeling peace no matter what their current circumstances are.
  • Learn a modality of coaching that can effectively be applied to your work whether your focus is on relationships, life purpose, finances or health.
  • Be masterful in lasering in on and helping clear the intergenerational patterns that have kept men and women locked in limitation for so long.
  • Learn how to hold sacred space for your clients & lead individual or group sessions from the highest wisdom within you that creates miracles and perfections each moment.
  • Master how to create a felt sense of connection and how to communicate honestly with your clients in a way that opens them up to growth rather than shut them down in defense.

And much much more... 

Learn the Practical Elements to Grow a Lucrative Soul-Centered Online Business

Combining your vision with clear, proven strategy that leverages your efforts so you can reach more people with less effort and time is key for heart-centered entrepreneurs who desire to spend most of their time in activities and relationships that feed their soul.

In these 2 live virtual retreats, you will learn Shirly Joy's entire proven formula to launch your message and transformational message online and world-wide, EVEN WITHOUT A LIST. Each module will guide you to complete understanding of all necessary pieces of your launch including templates, examples and exercises to help develop each piece for yourself. Not only will you learn efficient and effective launch practices, these one-of-a-kind trainings, will literally turn on your "business and marketing mind" through which you naturally grow, teach and succeed!

Virtual Retreat 1: Your Soul-Aligned Program

1. Client Clarity & Online Positioning

Discover the elements of online position and client clarity that ignite your passion, commitment and genius while attracting your soulmate client consistently and effortlessly.

2. Magnetic Titles & Copy

Learn the keys to heart-centered, magnetic copy for your offerings and become masterful at creating titles and course explanations that are aligned with your soul and irresistible to those you are here to serve.

3. Client-Centered Program Design

Learn how to design, organize and title your programs to speak straight to your client's hearts, provide the greatest service and make sales joyful!

4. Trust-Building Pathways

Learn to strategize, design and carry out the most efficient and joyful forms of trust-building offerings with your tribe online as gateways to your teachings, programs and work.

Virtual Retreat 2: Your Soul-Aligned Launch

1. Sales Funnels

Discover how to craft the soul-centered journey (your marketing sales funnel) magnetizes your ideal student and turns prospects in committed clients! You will learn how to build unique and sacred sales funnels and pages that are energized to sell and designed to make your marketing experience, not just effective but more authentic and joyful.

2. Launch Timing

Receive my detailed proven roadmap on timing your launches for greatest impact and success. Module will detail everything from initial planning and behind-the-scenes preparation to timing of the marketing pieces (free offerings, email sequences, webinars, etc) so that selling your services is joyful and buying your programs easy!

3. Outreach

Discover and master the different avenues to reach your audience in a heart-felt, efficient way. This module will include an overview of list-building as well as guide you in mastering the different promotional mediums that are most effective for heart-centered entrepreneurs.

4. Logistics

Discover how to launch with minimal resources and time. You will learn top technical tricks and tools to build beautiful sales funnels, websites, promotional materials and content platforms at a minimal cost.

Embody the Spiritual Principles that Drive & Sustain a Feminine, Soul-Led Leader

Because I know you're ready to take a spiritual deep dive into the heart of your divine brilliance... to develop the greater self-mastery to feel centered, grateful and in love more consistently (and show up in greater integrity as a healer/leader)... to master your ability to lead yourself and others into greater communion, health, joy and possibility, I created these Leadership Mastery Calls.

We begin with YOU; helping you understand the true role of a leader that you are taking on and how to master leading yourself and the transformational powers available to you...

And then we take you OUT TO THE WORLD by removing any fear, scarcity or old-paradigm business consciousness that could limit your experience while helping you master communicating, connecting with and impacting your world with your gifts and Soul.

Twice a month you will have a soul-centered leadership mastery call where you will receive high-level downloads and training on the mastery theme of the month.

These mastery calls will keep you plugged into a constant source of inspiration, wisdom and high vibration essential to staying elevated and activated on your path and help you embody the soul qualities, mindset and ways of being of masterful leaders and spirit-led business women.

Let's come together in activating our clearest vision, power and center and change our world, beginning with ourselves.

MASTERY THEME 1: Becoming a Masterful Leader

Discover the True Role of Spirit-Led Leaders & How to Manifest the Inspired Visions that Create a New Earth

  • Training Call 1: Leading With Higher Power
  • Training Call 2: Leading with Spiritual Sight

MASTERY THEME 2: Unleashing your Highest Powers

Embodying the Soul Qualities that Ignite your Vision, Magnetize your Tribe & Transform with Your Presence

  • Training Call 3: Leading with Divine Love
  • Training Call 4: Leading with Divine Confidence

MASTERY THEME 3: Walking the Talk of Leadership

Achieve High States of Composure, Resilience and Self-Mastery & Be an Embodied Model of Love, Conviction and Possibility

  • Training Call 5: Leading with Divine Poise
  • Training Call 6: Leading with Habit Mastery

MASTERY THEME 4: Casting your Heart-Felt Net of Impact

Empower Your Soul’s Unique Voice and Spread Your Heart’s Song Far & Wide

  • Training Call 7: Leading with Fearless Authenticity
  • Training Call 8: Leading with Fearless Creativity

MASTERY THEME 5: Being a Master of Meaningful Connection

Genuine Relationship Building that Inspires, Gathers and Transforms Your Tribe

  • Training Call 9: Leading with Heartfelt Connection
  • Training Call 10: Leading with Masterful Communication

MASTERY THEME 6: Prospering in Your Soul-Centered Venture

Mastering Higher Consciousness Wealth and Soulful Business Principles

  • Training Call 11: Leading with Universal Abundance
  • Training Call 12: Leading with Conscious Commerce

Led by Shirly, these intimate group sessions give you the opportunity to receive individualized coaching support on your spiritual understandings, emotional mastery and business growth strategies.

These valuable calls will trigger ideas and expand your creativity, give you the chance to witness masterful coaching and ensure you have access to Shirly's guidance consistently throughout the month to keep you on track and answer any questions that arise along your launch journey!

You will have 6 private coaching sessions to work closely with Shirly to:

  • Clarify your unique marketing message and vision
  • Create magnetic, soul-aligned content, websites and offerings
  • Discover and breakthrough hidden blocks, fears & struggles
  • Plan each step of your launch with confidence
  • Strategize short & long term goals and accelerate success
  • Stay focused, on track and moving forward

… And feel seen and held more deeply than you ever have!

Network with your mastermind peers, ask questions, get feedback on your marketing messages, share your celebrations and always have a place to connect, reflect and receive inspiration through!

The private Facebook group becomes one of several forms of "staying plugged" in; an essential key for all leaders and entrepreneurs helping you stay inspired, high vibing and connected throughout all ebbs and flow. Plus, the tribe building aspect is priceless both in terms of emotional support as well as launch assistance!

Fast Action Bonuses


Receive my unique training on how to effectively work with clients, coach them to clarity and confidence and lead sessions from the ultimate wisdom of your Soul.

My unique approach is based on unleashing the greatness in the individual so that there are more clear, truly empowered and heart-centered people walking on earth. My modality helps break through even the stickiest patterns around self-doubt, relationships issues, fulfillment, habits, insecurity and more. It give individuals that embodied understanding of their true spiritual nature and the true nature of life so that they finally play full on, enjoy each moment and experience true love; for self, others, life.

You'll learn how to effectively break through habits, identify and rewrite intergenerational patterns, work with thought and emotion, build powerful rapport and connection, and more!

You will also learn how to show up in each coaching conversation leading from your highest Wisdom and intuition and navigating whatever your client brings your way with total fluidity, trust and confidence.

I get consistently asked to train people in my unique coaching modality developed over years of training and experience in the field of psychology, coaching and consciousness. This is your opportunity to finally learn how to create powerful transformation in your clients and really leave this world a better place.

My work is known for its ability to cut through straight through societal and familial programs and into the heart of the client to bring them back to their true being - whole, healthy and complete - with astounding speed and heart. It is my blessing to bring this ability to other facilitators worldwide.

Here's a sneak peek to this Life Coaching training: 

  • Master the true role of coach which is not to advise, lead or guide, rather guide the client to the infinite wisdom within & how to be their own greatest teacher, coach & guru.
  • Embody the elevated viewpoint of human experience that allows you to masterfully see through your client's emotions into their Spiritual truth & bring them back to this center of clarity and love within.
  • Understand the unifying psychological paradigm that empowers all individuals back to faith, love and truth independent of their background and religion.
  • Move beyond superficial tools such as positive affirmations & spiritual rituals to assist your clients in knowing their true spiritual value in a felt, embodied way and feeling peace no matter what their current circumstances are.
  • Learn a modality of coaching that can effectively be applied to your work whether your focus is on relationships, life purpose, finances or health.
  • Be masterful in lasering in on and helping clear the intergenerational patterns that have kept men and women locked in limitation for so long.
  • Learn how to hold sacred space for your clients & lead individual or group sessions from the highest wisdom within you that creates miracles and perfections each moment.
  • Master how to create a felt sense of connection and how to communicate honestly with your clients in a way that opens them up to growth rather than shut them down in defense.

And much much more... 

Learn how to conduct effective discovery sessions that sell with heart:

  • Boost your sales conversions from discovery calls
  • Create a felt sense of deep connection that has client feeling seen, supported and understood like few others
  • How to enjoy and love the sales part of the call
  • How to ensure each call results in the game-changing clarity, insight and A-Has in the client that have them love you as a coach
  • Create the necessary tension that propels the client to sign up in a way that feels honest, soulful and loving.

Learn the secrets behind effective webinars, challenges, mini-courses and other free offerings to build tribe and generate sales. In this training, you’ll learn:

  • How to run webinars, challenges and free offerings
  • Master effective marketing of offerings
  • How to give massive value while having them yearn for more
  • Course flow that retains attention, provides high value and sells
  • The behind the scenes logistics of webinars, challenges and mini-courses including easy set-up, email templates, opt-in pages and free/low-cost delivery tools.

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Jeanne Verger

Working with Shirly has been a life changing experience for me. Her profound guidance along with the wisdom I received through her sessions were pivotal in my awakening to my depths as a highly spiritual woman who has amazing gifts to share. Thanks much in part to her coaching, I discovered and transformed where I was playing small in life and came to know the gifts I had denied for so long.

Today, I can truly say I love myself. I feel sexy, empowered, worthy and totally trusting of myself and the universe to support me in life. I no longer compare myself to others, and know just how deeply beautiful I am. This new found confidence and activation, helped me break free from my corporate job to launching my dream company. I now have a highly successful inspirational jewelry company that not only allows me to express my creativity but is giving me the vehicle to inspire women to own their gifts and beauty.

I am forever grateful for Shirly and highly recommend any woman who feels she is here to do something wonderful and great to jump right in to work with her, even if you have no idea what your gift is, even if you are filled with doubt. She will help you see your beauty and potential deeply and help you turn your life in the direction of your heart in powerful and amazing ways!"

Jeanne Verger
Designer/CEO of Jeanne Verger Jewelry
Jessica Gabbay

Our work gave me a faith in the Universe that I didn’t have before. Today, I feel loved, blessed, no longer take everything personally and simply feel grounded and relaxed about life. With the newfound confidence, I jump into projects wholeheartedly and am creating the career of my dreams. I look beyond fear and follow my dreams.

Simply, thanks to Shirly, I am reborn in confidence and magnificence. I was originally hesitant to hire her because of the cost, and now have to say Shirly is worth every penny I paid and more. I am so happy I made this investment in myself. I think that everyone should work with Shirly.

Be warned because Shirly will make you work hard to be the best that you can be. She is not afraid to be honest and tell you how it is. This work on transforming myself is the best work I have every taken on. I look into the future with a positive outlook that surpasses no other, and it is all thanks to saying a great big YES to myself and to working with Shirly. She is truly a priceless gem and I will always love her!

Jessica Gabbay
Birth Doula & Prenatal Yoga Instructor