Don’t Quit Before The Miracle

butterfly womanI am so deeply moved by this image… reminded about all the times, I have found myself, my clients and the beautiful souls around me on the floor, surrounded by what appears to be bleak dirt, everything seeming hopeless, the vision of the greater unfolding not in immediate sight. And yet a greater unfolding is in fact taking place. Just when I felt most ugly, most incapable or simply drained, done, hurt… I have been proven time and again, that pain was the crack through which my wings, my beauty, my truth and next purpose were breaking through.

Though it may feel like anything but a gift, wow, these are the sacred, magical moments life constantly blesses us with… the mystical crossroads where I have the opportunity to choose to develop my real vision; the spiritual sight which allows me to feel, see and know with my inner eyes what my physical eyes can’t see … the wings on my back that will carry me through… the rich, fertile earth that is here to nourish me and give me the strength… just how held and beautiful I Am and how the universe is a purposeful, friendly place where I can in fact take off and fly.

As I look at this image, I see a tender, beautiful creature perhaps not yet awake to what she has given birth to and I want to tell her “DON’T QUIT BEFORE THE MIRACLE! Keep going! Keep expanding your vision. This is your moment, beautiful, to choose to see, feel and know what is in fact in and all around you, and the Perfect evolutionary soul unfoldings taking place! Don’t waste the sacred opportunity. Its beautiful, like you, and you can!”

And so with that, I remind myself and all of us… Don’t quit before the miracle! You’ve come so far. Your work is done. Just in that moment when it feels darkest, you feel most beat and most dirty is the moment when your wings, wishes and wondrous nature have likely broken through and now it is up to you to reach deep within you, past all programmed fear-filled stories and expand your true vision, the feeling of the true you and know. And this very dirty, icky moment is perfect as few time are more powerful than during such a moment when you feel most desolate and alone. You see, this is not aloneness rather a perfectly quiet moment, fueled by the muscle of intense emotion to powerfully propel you (if you choose) past all the noise and chatter, beyond all the thoughts and feelings, and once again touch, feel and remember the steady, beautiful, real universe and you. And just like a plant, when you do use your will to move towards the light, rather than the darkness, in an instant, everything suddenly feels alright and as if all magically fell into place… however all that really changed was your expanded feeling and sight of all; the beautiful you, the beautiful universe and the Perfect magic weaving through us, ever supporting us to shine our beauty through.

Beautiful butterfly, don’t quit before the miracle. Keep going. Keep consciously choosing. Keep moving towards your light. Keep expanding your True feeling and Real knowing of your beauty, your power, and the sacredness in and all around you. And remember, this seemingly desolate moment is here to provide the perfectly fueled stillness for you to connect to You more deeply, experience deeper faith and peace and allow more of You to shine through. Its what our world needs. Its what your soul is longing for you to do. Its what you came here to do. And no one can do this for you… No one can tell you how beautiful and amazing you really are or what you are here to do. You and only you can choose to do this for yourself and know this. At the end of the day, its all up to you and here’s the clincher…

You can.

Ever in awe of our light-fueled, resilient spirits, and sending you infinite blessings for gracefully choosing you…

Shirly Joy

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