G-Force Gratitude: From Preaching it to Living it! [Vlog]

Hi beautiful soul!

You know what really gets me about gratitude? It’s power to transform.

Very few states and feelings can transform a person, people and community from victimhood and fear to faith and possibility more powerfully than gratitude.

And yet while I see a lot of people preach it, very few people actually live it.


… Partly because they don’t realize the subtle ways they are living and affirming the opposite energy of scarcity and fear.

…Partly, because they haven’t been taught a practical way of living this powerful force beyond saying “thanks”.

And so to help us all breakthrough this block and finally experience the grace of gratitude (and all the resulting joy and abundance) here’s a recording of a periscope  video I did addressing just this.

In good ol’ Shirly Joy style, I am bringing a unique, practical spirituality by sharing 3 unexpected ways to not only help you live it in a true, felt way but reveal ways you may be affirming the opposing fear and lack.

And today more than ever, don’t just practice these for you, practice them for our world.

Because today more than ever, we need individuals radiating the energy of abundance, faith and love in a huge radical way.  

And you may not know what else to do for the world, but you can certainly start with this. And as you always hear me say, in a vibrational universe, may there be a more powerful way?

Honoring you for your commitment and heart,




***Spiritual Counselor & Soul-Purpose Activation Coach for Aspiring Change-Makers

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