Short Inspiration for empaths feeling it all AND good news!

Beautiful Souls!

The energies now are huge and intense in general… and nothing like a full moon to amp that up! And those of us who are empaths are feeling it all (and many of us mistaking it as ours)! This means we may easily go into a personal spin around whatever is moving through. OY!!!

BUT if we can remember who we are and ALLOW OURSELVES TO REST in the center of our true self (yes, that’s the constant part of you that is ALWAYS at peace, resilient, curious, confident and strong) so that the emotions can flow…

If we can be relaxed and trusting through it ALL, knowing it’s NOT personal and says nothing about WHO we are (no matter how icky the emotions moving through you are), I’m also seeing that this energy wave is super activating too, bringing many tons of clarity, support, synchronicity and forward movement with their heart’s call.

Yes, this is THE GOOD NEWS!!!

We really have “arrived” if you will, and you are being more supported in living your true purpose, dreams and happiness more than ever… the support and changes and abundance is here and it is only our habitual mind/ego that is still functioning in fear, thinking it’s alone.

Oh dear one, but you are not! Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 11.08.27 AM
And we can truly trust, let go and rise into our greatest expression, experience, LIFE!

So let the emotions flow through…
Don’t take any of it personally…
And be curious of how you’re being supported…
Be curious of what your heart is calling you to do…
Be curious of how amazing you and life are…
And move, live, breath from there!!!

Play with it and you too will see! 😉

You’re amazing and you are good.
Always have been, always will be and now we get to experience it in the flesh too!


As you know, my purpose on earth is supporting the empaths, the healers, the leaders who came to rock the foundation and bring great beauty to our world rise into their purpose and JOYFULLY live their greatest calling…

BUT what I see time and again, is too many empaths being swallowed up by their empathic skills rather than learning to master, serve and live joyfully with them…

And I get it deeply because for years this occurred to me!
And I tossed and turned endlessly in bed and in life,
anguished and torn by feelings that weren’t even mine!

And breaking through, learning what wasn’t mine and most importantly, connecting at a true, real-life, practical way, my eternal, unshakable divine nature, not only caused me to joyously leap into my purpose, it forever changed how I felt in myself and in life…

… I went from fear-filled to faith-filled,
… From anxious and self-conscious to curious and confident,
… From endless procrastinator to endless creator,

And I want nothing more than for you to experience this too.
Because yes, so many will benefit from your much needed light
but also because it’s time for you to enjoy this dream called life!

✨If this resonates with you beautiful, and you know your time has come to go from being a dreamer to being a fully actualized healer, leader, teacher…

… Your next step may simply be a conversation with me (Apply HERE).

Let’s talk about your dreams and calling, what’s holding you back and bring you the gift of clarity and confidence that is your birthright to have!

You’ve been doing the work for so long for free…
You’ve surpassed huge feats of transformation, healing, activations…
You are a radical, strong, conscious and powerful woman, healer, soul…

And it’s time for you.
Our world needs you.
And you need to finally KNOW just how powerful, guided, supported and amazing you are.

Standing for your brilliance,

Shirly Signature 2
Spiritual Leadership & Soul-Purpose Activation Coach
✨ Creator of the Soul-Freedom Coaching Method✨

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