Unspoken Reasons You’re Sitting on the Sidelines

Hi beautiful…

If you’re here I know you have a longing or calling to a greater mission…

You have said yes and create deep transformation in our world!

You may even  be in some action already… whether its offering something of service to our world or just dipping your feet in the water by starting to post on social media and speaking about your vision for our world…

AND yet (if you’re like the majority of aspiring change-makers with big visions they have still to live), you are finding yourself playing small.

You’re on the sidelines, looking more at what others are doing, versus being that agent of change.

Now, many talk about the reasons for this being fear of failure or of putting ourselves out there.

And while those certainly play a role, there is a deeper element most miss: One of the main reasons why you hesitate and hold back is because you don’t understand the creative process.

And in not understanding it, when you step into the creative process, you’re blocked.
And you take it to mean you’re not ready.
Or you don’t know enough (and thus withhold yourself from greater actions)….
Rather than realizing it’s just a mistake in your understanding of the creative process.

Said another way, this is a lack of understanding who you really are and how you function – a vessel for creativity and ingenuity – and how to masterfully be that creative channel.

Simply, you don’t understand the creative instrument you are.

And this is what keeps you small in your undertakings.

In today’s video, I want to take a look at this issue through a deeper lens and share with you a practical application and explanation so you can overcome this barrier to sharing your brilliance.

I will also share with you the three main elements of the creative process you must understand to allow creativity to flow through you. Sounds good? It is!

And so  next time you go start a project or say yes to creating a huge vision that scares you, remember these truths to creativity to help you break through blocks…

1. You are one with the life-force wisdom that runs the universe.

You are one with the same wisdom from which ALL inspiration is sourced… The same wisdom that fed Albert Einstein, runs the planets, inspires me and YOU … A universal wisdom that deserves your implicit trust.

And it is key to be an effective leader, creator (and human) to RELAX in your trust of this Wisdom to be the most fluidly vessel for it’s guidance; guidance that will lead you miraculously on your path!

2. Creativity happens spontaneously.

A true master creates truth spontaneously in the moment. And this is the creative process in it’s essence – it only happens and comes through, spontaneously, in the moment.

Most great teachers, coaches, program creators did not have their program complete when they offered it.

They had an outline, but they talked about it, sold it, and perfected it in action. Because it is IN action that the demand is there and the supply comes through

In other words, you’ll never see it all ahead of time, you’ll never truly know where anything is going or how a program will turn out in the preparation stage. It will only come through when you DO it. And so to wait to do it until you see the entire picture will have you waiting forever because that is simply not how creativity comes through.

But if you get into action, the clarity will come through and it will be likely radically different than you ever imagined and that is how you know you’re being guided!

So stop waiting till you have it all figured out and get in to action and allow Wisdom to show you everything along the way.

3. You think it’s you (but that’s a limited knowledge source).

If you get stuck during the creative process, YOU are likely the one doing the work… the small, personal you that is not the ultimate Source of wisdom.  YOU are striving and trying to create from within your programmed thoughts and accumulated knowledge database. And so of course you’re stuck, because you can’t create anything new from there.

But YOU can’t rush creativity. Because if it’s YOU doing it, you’re plugging up the source. In other words, when you relax, let go of the reigns and learn to have something come TO you and THROUGH you that’s when you’ll be an unstoppable creative force.

Because the universe is unlimited in it’s wisdom. And when you learn to be the receptacle for it, you open the flood gates and not only will you not feel stuck like you used to, what comes through will be infinitely more powerful than you can imagine!

Learning these 3 principles will help you dance in creativity, in the unknown, and be the vessel for the endless creativity that is all of life! And this will make you more unstoppable in your business (and life) more quickly than most mindset work will because you won’t just be mastering the thoughts that move through your head, you will be mastering who you truly are:


If you’re ready to master these principles for yourself and discover your creative essence in a felt way to Go from Hiding to Shining as the Spirit-Led Coach & Change-Maker….

Get a slew of more tips by downloading my FREE  Courage to Be Great masterclass here.

Or, apply for for a Ready to Shine Breakthrough session with me here.

Standing for your brilliance,

Shirly Joy Weiss
Spiritual Leadership & Soul-Purpose Activation Coach
Creator of the Soul-Freedom Coaching Method


  • Karen

    Reply Reply June 10, 2016

    Wow Shirley I really enjoyed this! A great video and thank you for opening my eyes and mind!

    • Shirly Weiss

      Reply Reply June 12, 2016

      You are so welcome Karen! It is a different way to look at everything, yes?! Time for us to remember we are one with this infinite intelligence that will guide us perfectly when we let it! Blessings to you!

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