One (Quick) Way Through Fear

So many of us are held back from our greatest life and the pursuit of our dreams by fear…
The stories in our heads feel that real.

What if… What if… What if…

After years of habitually telling these stories, they become so familiar, that its difficult for us to see any possibilities beyond them.  And it feels utterly painful and soul-crushing because in fact, this is what these fear-ridden stories do – suppress the very brilliance and love we desire nothing more than to experience and share.

But there is one thing that feels worse than the fear and icky stories that come with it and that is…

…All the life lost, the brilliance gone unused, the potential suppressed and withheld.

Or said another way, missing out on the utter joy, love and satisfaction that come with discovering your brilliance and expressing it through your unique gifts. This is what underneath feels so bad, so off, so wrong; the grief that is produced by living in suppression, where we actually know deep within our true potential and power (whether we’ve allowed ourselves to admit or not) yet are not allowing it through.

Fortunately, for most of us, there eventually comes a time in our lives when living in a way that is familiar but oh-so-suffocating feels just unbearable.  The unshakable light within begins to push all of the gunk out and we embark on the journey inward to heal our minds and bodies of these stories and habits that have detained us for so long to finally allow our inherent brilliance to shine.

Now as you know, I don’t believe in quick fixes but today, at the risk of seeming self-contradictory, I am here to tantalize you with the idea that working through fear can actually be quick and even joyful and that my dear ones, is the aim of this post.

So while I do feel that to truly transform the patterns that lead us to withhold and miss out on life, an integrated approach that addresses the physical, energetic and mental causes of our fear is ultimately the most efficient, effective way (thought it may seem longer), for the purposes of today’s message, I will also paradoxically claim that working with fear can be as simple as becoming aware and choosing a new way.

It can be as easy as stopping when we find ourselves in a crippling mental fear loop, taking a step back (sometimes after some good, deep breaths), lovingly reminding ourselves we are not those stories and that we can just as easily choose to envision and believe in something new.

Stop the fear. Choose a new empowering story. Live from there. Repeat.

Now what stops us from getting to the new empowering story easily in an instant is a topic for a whole other article but for now, please know that you actually do have the complete ability to achieve such a powerful yet simple transformation here and now!

handstandAnd you know what has happened every time I daringly say no to fear and allow myself to TRULY feel and envision a dream with an ending to be relished instead of feared?

Firstly, my vision seems to awaken, as if some fog has been lifted and I finally see through real eyes.  And in a divine instant, I realEYES that I am in fact powerful and life is supportive, friendly, waiting for me to live my dream.

Secondly, through such a clear, empowering lens, I instantly find all hesitancy transformed into willingness and I jump into whatever activity I was withholding on. The insecurity that was keeping me from living dissolves and I finally do what I came here to do; be free, discover and share my greatness and live.

And as if finally living and having delicious new experience after delicious new experience wasn’t enough, the blessings of putting fear aside don’t stop there.  When I finally say yes to believing in my brilliance and the good of our universe, and allow myself to live from there, the other miracle that occurs 100% of the time is I get to discover just how brilliant I actually am and just how little there was actually to fear.

By saying yes to me I discover me.

By putting aside the fear-inducing stories that kept me waiting to be perfect, ready, educated or wise enough and allowing myself to move forward on my desires as divine seeds placed in me to be lived out now, not in some “ready” future, I discover just how ready, how capable and how supported I am.

You see, part of why we withhold is that we’ve just had the process of self-discovery backwards. That is, we don’t wait to know ourselves in order to express ourselves.  Rather, it is through expressing ourselves that we come to know ourselves.

By holding back on our expression, we not only withhold ourselves from our world, we withhold ourselves from ourselves.  Instead, if we jump in faithfully, trusting in our inner call, trusting that whatever happens will be an experience through which we’ll learn and grow and trusting in life, it is then that we discover ourselves.  And it is then that we get to prove the fear-ridden voice in our heads wrong. This, my dear, is what I’ve seen happen pretty much 100% of the time.

Take a simple old handstand… I used to be terrified to do these and constantly worked my way into paralysis with fear. But now I know better and I finally worked myself up into a handstand by choosing a new pathway of love in; envisioning myself upside down, smile on my face, experiencing the pose with ease… and sure enough, in seconds my fear transformed into excitement to get upside down and upside down I got fast! Now all I want to do is find fun partners, walls and delicious patches of soft grass to practice, fall and laugh my way through fear into handstands with! Plus I discovered just how strong I actually am and just how much I can enjoy falling too!

So dear one, if you take away one shift in perspective from this may it be this:

Perhaps its time you stop relating to the unknown as a way for something scary to be uncovered and instead as the journey through which something amazing (in you) is to be recovered.

For today, can you allow yourself to delight in a completely different, delicious story on something you’ve been withholding on to achieve?

What if today you chose to see the spirit of life waiting for you on the other side of fear with open arms, rooting you on faithfully, knowing that like a baby learning to walk, eventually this too will be as natural for you as a sunny stroll in the park?

Can you play in such a different way for today, and allow yourself to be surprised by life, by you?

Go on, put fear to the side, invent and relish in a new ending and play… your most amazing self (and life) await you.

Wishing you joy in this game of life,





PS… None of us are fearless in this world and to live as an empowered woman means you simply learn to discern the fear from your true self and joyfully move through life from there.  If you have been calling in support to guide you through your fears and withholds and back into your greatest self, check out my mentoring programs here, developed to help you discover the depth of your beauty and gifts and live the rich, satisfying life you know you’re meant to live.

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